Healthy + Well writer: Kiran Saini
Image via Unsplash
Going to the gym is an achievement in itself, but it can sometimes be intimidating to see everyone doing their own workout. Having a set plan before you get there can help maximize your time and keep you from scrolling through Pinterest every five minutes to find workout inspiration. These 4 easy core workouts are designed to help build strength and stability while maintaining simplicity.
1. Russian Twist
Russian twists are a great way to ease into abs without making your entire body hurt. Lean on your tailbone with your core muscles engaged and your feet on the ground with knees at a 90° angle. Twist your shoulders and touch both hands on one side, then rotate. I recommend doing two sets of these, 45 seconds each with 45-60 second rest in between.
2. Pulse Crunch
Lay on your back with your heels close to your butt. Lift your shoulders off the ground but not more than your mid-back. Go back down and repeat this in a pulsing motion. Start with 45 seconds each, two sets, with 30 seconds of rest in between.
3. Toe Touches
Start with your back on the ground, and lift your legs in the air, keeping them as straight as possible. Lift your shoulders off the ground and reach toward your toes, then back down to the floor. Repeat this for about 30-45 seconds. Try two sets, with 30 seconds of rest in between.
4. Bicycle Crunches
With your back on the ground, bring your knees to your chest. Extend one leg and twist so that the opposite elbow hits the knee still near your chest. Repeat on the other side, moving your legs in a pedalling motion. Aim for two sets of 60 seconds, with a 45 second rest in between.